Sunday, January 11, 2009

Double JJ to Host National Rothbury Music Festival

The Double JJ Ranch will be hosting the 2nd National Rothbury Music Festival again this year in 2009. The U.S. Bankruptcy Court Thursday will allow the Rothbury Music Festival to be held the 4th of July weekend while the trustee attempts to sell the resort.

There has been a question mark since the bankruptcy soon after last years Rothbury Music Festival. The release to hold the Rothbury festival again this year is a huge asset in the on going sale of the property. The proceeds earned during this huge music festival also releases some money back to the creditors so this is a win win situation for all concerned.

The Rothbury music festival was a smash hit last year as one of the best Michigan vacation getaways. There is no doubt that it will once again be one of the hottest spots to vacation over the 4th of July weekend. There was an estimated 40,000 people rockin at the former Double JJ Resort in Rothbury for a four-day celebration over the 2008 Fourth of July weekend.

So the Rothbury Music Festival is on for 2009 at the Double JJ Ranch. As soon as more details are released I will get them posted. So make sure to plan that Michigan vacation getaway for 4th of July weekend and have another great rockin time.